
Frequency-domain thermoreflectance

Our frequency-domain thermoreflectance (FDTR) tool is capable of broadband modulation up to ~200 MHz. With this we will be able to quantitatively measure the thermal properties of bulk materials, composites, thin films and interfaces. The variable modulation frequency will allow us to sample thermal transport over varying thermal penetration lengths. We have further implemented beam-offsetting and Magneto-Optic Kerr Effect (MOKE) approaches to further enhance sensitivity to heat transport for anisotropic and very thin layers.


Our Laboratory for Ultrafast THERmo-magnetics (LUTHER) enables us to carry out studies on ultrafast magnetization dynamics at high temperature. The facility comprises of a time-domain thermoreflectance module (TDTR) and a thermo-magnetics module. We can measure the magnetization dynamics at variable elevated temperatures (up to ~400 C), cooling rates, magnetic field strength (up to ~2 Tesla) and angle. Measurements can be made by thermoreflectance or magneto-optic Kerr effect (MOKE). The facility can additionally be used for other studies spanning magnetics (all-optical magnetization switching (AOS), time-resolved MOKE), heat transport, acoustics (picosecond ultrasonics).


  • Newport RS2000 optical table
  • Newport UT2 optical table
  • Thorlabs optical table
  • Newport 600 mm linear stage
  • Newport linear motion controllers, 1" travel
  • Thorlabs piezo motion controller, 20 μm travel
  • Amplitude Systems Satsuma HP2 fiber laser - 1030 nm, 10 W, 300 fs - rep rate from single shot to 40 MHz, pulse width tunable up to 10 ps, second harmonic at 515 nm
  • Coherent Obis laser - 660 nm, 100 mW, single mode - digital modulation to 150 MHz
  • Omicron A350 laser - 785 nm, 120 mW, single mode - analog modulation to 350 MHz
  • Omicron A350 laser - 515 nm, 80 mW, single mode - analog modulation to 350 MHz
Electro-optic equipment
  • Conoptics Optical Isolators - 711A (500-645 nm), 712B (extended for use to 785 nm)
  • Conoptics Electro-Optic Modulators - 360-80-02 (for 1030 nm), 350-160-01 (for 515 nm), Model 25DS 20 MHz driver
  • Thorlabs PM100D optical power meter - S121C sensor (400-1100 nm, 500 mW), S142C integrating sphere (350-1100 nm, 5W)
  • Thorlabs APD430A Si avalanche detector, 400 MHz
  • Thorlabs DET10A Si detector, 350 MHz
  • Thorlabs DET10N InGaAs detector, 70 MHz
  • Thorlabs PDB210A balanced amplified Si detector, 1 MHz
  • Thorlabs PDB410A-AC, balanced amplified Si detector, 100 MHz
  • Agilent E4436B analog signal generator, 3 GHz, multichannel W-CDMA, real-time 3GPP W-CDMA, multichannel IS-95 CDMA, bit-error-rate analyzer, real-time I/Q baseband generator with TDMA, dual arbitrary waveform generator
  • Anritsu MG3740A RF analog signal generator, 2.7 GHz, dual output, analog modulation
  • Keithley 2230-30 triple output DC power supply
  • Keithley 230 programmable voltage source
  • Stanford Research SR830 lock-in amplifier
  • Stanford Research DS345 function generator, 30 MHz
  • Tektronix TDS 544A oscilloscope, 4 channels, 500 MHz, 1 Gs/s
  • Tektronix TDS 694C oscilloscope, 4 channels, 3 GHz, 10 Gs/s
  • Zurich Instruments HF2LI-MF lock-in amplifier, 50 MHz, multifrequency option
  • Zurich Instruments HF2LI lock-in amplifier, 50 MHz
  • GMW 3473-70 electromagnet, 3 Tesla, rotating base
  • Keysight U5856A thermal imaging camera
  • Leitz Laborlux 12 fluorescence microscope, customized for digital imaging and metallurgic reflective imaging